One of the great things about this species is where they hang out and the wonderful backgrounds you can sometimes get, Allen. This golden marsh background with just the three cattail heads makes a fine frame for the blackbird and the light is beautiful. While not the rarest scene in the universe, it’s still a fine image.
Lovely blacks and very nice colors on the epaulets, which can be difficult. Nice pose, perch and BG. I could see this as an 8x10-ish vertical, or at least removing a bit from the right. The OOF cattail isn’t contributing anything. I think a little more room above his head could be good, too.
Allen, a really nice image of this fellow/. Blacks are perfect, as well as the singing pose, BG, and cattails.
I could see this as a vertical crop with that non-contributing right cattail cropped out.
Perhaps common, but still a stunning bird and excellent image.
A fine capture Allen. I always enjoy seeing nice photos of this bird regardless of how common. Another vote for a vertical composition and removing the rightmost cattail. Nice how the bird pops from the BG. Fine exposure and a pleasing image.
Thanks for the input and suggestions, @Dennis_Plank , @Diane_Miller, @SandyR-B, and @Allen_Sparks . I like the idea of a vertical crop. I tried a couple of different views and felt the lone cattail worked best.
It does, but I think there is an option to have the bird just slightly more into the frame (not quite so far on the left). It would take a single brush stroke to remove the leftmost cattail. I like that you excluded the torn-up area on the perch cattail at the base of the frame.
Although common, I love these birds and the calls that they make. For me, their call (along with that of the Common Loon) is the quintessential sound I associate with wilderness and nature. I like both of these crops very much and it’s hard to pick a favourite but the image(s) is really well done.
Either version works well for my taste, Allen. given the direction the bird is looking, I could see moving it a touch more into the frame in the vertical.
Very nice capture of this common wetland species, Allen. Lighting and pose look great with the excellent background. Exposure also looks very good. I slightly prefer the portrait version.