Red-winged Blackbird Silhouette w/Recrop

Second Crop Adjustment:

Crop Adjusted:

Original Crop:

Image Description

Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

A very dreary morning at our local Wildlife Refuge. I decided to try shooting dark and getting this fellow in silhouette. Also converted to B&W.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

This one is just kind of fun…

Technical Details

600mm, 1/800 sec @ f/8, ISO 400

Very cool . i love the contrast and the lines in the limb the bird is standing on. Very cool !!!

Good job finding it on that isolated blackberry cane, David. This is a very good silhouette with that distinctive beak so clearly shown. It may just be me, but I find myself wanting the whole image shifted just a hair down in the frame. Other than that minor nit, I love it.

Thanks for your comments, @Gill_Vanderlip, much appreciated.

@Dennis_Plank, I struggled with the crop…and you’re right…it needed to come down some. Thanks.

Nailed it on the repost, David.

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Bravo on getting this all to line up and get the bird to pose! I really like it. The bold shapes are at once totally in silhouette, but equally recognizable. Even if you hadn’t said it was a RWBB I’d have guessed. The recrop might have the lowest branch a tad too close, but you could clone part of it away and no one would notice. Very spiky!

Very cool idea and execution! I like the added headroom at the top in the second version, but the LRC makes me nervous with the 2 spurs so close to the edge. Maybe just add canvas on top? Or clone the spurs if you want to keep the aspect ratio.

@Kris_Smith and @Diane_Miller thank you for the kind comments and suggestions. Please see another repost above.


Nice job. Such a striking photo. Maybe in a month ours will be back. Nothing says spring like a RWBB call!

Way to think outside the box! Good pose showing off the beak and helping to ID the bird. I like the perch with the symmetry and like the second crop the best. Good job, but looking forward to some sun here in the Northwest.

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