Savannah Sparrow?

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)

I’m pretty sure of the ID, but if anyone can confirm or correct, I would appreciate it.

This fellow held still for just a moment. But it was a lot of fun to try to get a good pose. I have generally stayed away from trying to photograph song birds, but with the new camera/lens, I think I’ll venture out more.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments appreciated. Does the sky color look ok? It’s pretty close to what the camera took from a white balance perspective. The weather was low fog just breaking away in the early morning sunlight. The sky above was clear blue.

Technical Details

600mm, 1/400sec @ f/8, ISO 250.

Sweet soft light and nice head angle…

Nice head turn and detail. The extra branch adds some interest to the perch. Sky looks okay. I think the yellow eyebrow goes along with a Savannah Sparrow.

Hi David, I like the pose with the head turn - quite engaging. Composition looks good too. Nice frame!

@Dan_Kearl, @Allen_Sparks, and @Allen_Brooks thanks for the kind comments. Much appreciated. And I appreciate confirmation of the ID, Allen.

Definitely a Savannah, David. A very nice image with an interesting perch and very nice head turn.

I concur with the ID. Nice head turn and I especially like the soft lighting…Jim

Thanks @Dennis_Plank and @Jim_Zablotny, much appreciated.