Seaweed treasures

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Masses of seaweed washed up into rock pools after a fairly intense storm. I loved the jumble and tangle of seaweeds and found myself spending quite some time visually sorting through all the treasures.

Specific Feedback

Is this image too busy?

Technical Details

Nikon z7 lens 24-70mm
ISO 250
1/100 sec

Very interesting, Diny. I love the way you positioned the denser cluster in the lower left, but left plenty of room so surround it with the other elements. This would also make a great abstract.

This is a nice find and capture, Diny. I like how the seeds are floating about the water. So much to see and enjoy with a nice collection of shapes and lines.

Not too busy for me, at all! This is a fascinating tapestry with a variety of shapes and lines, but there is good coherence to them. A possible consideration if you are concerned about busy-ness is a subtle edge burn, maybe biased to highlights, but I would only rate it at maybe 50-50 for any improvement. I think you have a wonderful image!!

Diny: Oh such a great find and the square crop works great. So much to look at. Top notch image. >=))>