Poseidon's Alchemy

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Sunlight dapples across the kelp strewn along the shore, imparting a Midas touch to its natural textures. The once humble seaweed gleams with a golden sheen, its edges caressed by the warmth of the sun. It’s a serene, yet vibrant scene, where the day’s light transmutes the ordinary into a spectacle of fleeting, natural opulence.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

4.458 mm at ISO 85 and 1⁄1250sec at ƒ/1.8 (Weird phone readings)

Glorious tones in the kelp, Saundie, and the light is wonderful. You found a great composition.

Wonderful!!! This stuff is difficult to shoot and you found an amazing composition with wonderful light! And with a smartphone! Does it have a macro lens? Amazing…

@Diane_Miller @Dennis_Plank

Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you like it! Haha, no macro lens, Diane, just the ability to crawl around on my knees.

Saundie: Marvelous abstract and comp. Really well seen and well worth the knee work. Top notch in every way. :+1: :+1:>=))>

Agree with all the positives - a super abstract. I also love your very poetic and apt description.

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Thanks Mike! :pray:

Thanks Bill! Have wasted skin in the past, but happy with this one. :+1:

You’ve taken the busy and the ordinary and created something visually enticing. Very tough to do with kelp but you’ve pulled it off. I love your description of the day and the scene. Very poetic. Great capture Saundie.

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Thanks David, much appreciated! :pray:

@Bill_Fach Thanks Bill! :pray: