What technical feedback would you like if any? 150 feet from subject, looking up, trying 2X extender
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: iso 320, 800mm, f5.6, 2500th, A7R4, handheld, 40% full frame
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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He’s a real beauty, David. I don’t think I have ever had the privilege to see one of these in person, much less to point my camera at it. I like how the limb above him seems to help frame him in. The open space to the right gives him freedom to flee if he needs to. Great shot.
David: Like Shirley I don’t think I’ve ever seen a kingfisher in person. Wonderful environment and really good technique to handhold that rig and get such good sharpness. Kudos to the A7r4 image stabilization and to your steady hand. >=))>
Wow, David, my son and I were chasing kingfishers twice last week while kayaking local salt water estuaries. Not once did I get close enough even for a quick grab shot, so really envious of your backyard catch. This is a fine view of a belted kingfisher in a very appealing pose; exposure and details are right on and I like the inclusion of the pine tree details to show habitat.