Original image
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I’m not much of a wildlife shooter, but if an animal presents itself, I go for it. While hiking on the Alpine Tunnel Trail, near St Elmo, CO, I came across several marmots. I alway enjoy their antics when I see them. My dog Sawyer, was also interested in them. I waited for him for a bit and took a couple of images.
Specific Feedback
Interested in feed back on composition and editing…
Technical Details
Nikon Z7 24-120mm @120mm f/4 1/200 sec ISO 400
Edited in LR and PS. Heavy crop, did not have a long lens with me. Cloudy day
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
- Vision and Purpose:
- Conceptual:
- Emotional Impact and Mood:
- Composition:
- Balance and Visual Weight:
- Depth and Dimension:
- Color:
- Lighting:
- Processing:
- Technical: