Silken Breeze

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This image is a simple black and white shot of agave plant leaves. The smooth lines and soft shadows give the leaves a silk-like look, with a gentle suggestion of movement as if caught in a light breeze.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

118 mm at ISO 250 and 1⁄500sec at ƒ/11

Lovely image, Saundie. I was wondering what the original subject could be, so it really fits the concept of abstract. The lighting is superb.

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Superb work Saundie! Complex image. Love the light and shadow interplay and layers. I thought this was a dune image! I would never have guessed this was an agave plant.

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I thought you had taken a photo from an automobile or airplane. Even after your explanation, without the top leaf, I would still have difficulty seeing agave leaves. Great abstract.

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Great Image Don I would have never guess plant leaves. I see some Edward Weston inspiration in this image. The TONE is stellar !!!

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@Alfredo_Mora @Jim_Gavin @Gill_Vanderlip @Dennis_Plank

Thanks for the feedback. It’s really pleasing that it’s not instantly recognized as a plant, which makes it just a little more abstract. I believe Edward Weston is always an inspiration for this kind of work. Whether we realize it or not, once you have seen his work, it’s always buried in one’s mind. :pray:

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So mysterious. I never would have guessed it to be agave leaves. So original and creative.

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Thanks Chris! :pray:

I’ve taken scads of photos of agaves but framing a shot this way never occurred to me. Well done!