The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Good day all,
These beautiful flowers are one of the first species to flower in the year here in the UK. Not native originally, but very abundant nowadays. This was taken in a church yard during a brief spell of sunlight, before the clouds set in.
Specific Feedback
I like the simple feel the isolation of the flower head provides. Interested to hear other’s views.
Technical Details
Canon R5, Sigma 180 mm f/3.5 macro, f/16, 1/13, iso 100, processed in LR.
Welcome to NPN and the Flora forum, Rob. That’s a beautiful image of a snowdrop and it’s probably one one of the most photogenic flowers around in its delicate simplicity. The background is beautiful, though I’d be tempted to clone over the faint out of focus highlight circle. I love the way the two leaves kiss at their tips and I applaud your inclusion of the spider web
Well done, and I look forward to seeing a lot more of your posts and getting your input on other people’s images.
Hi and welcome to NPN and Flora. It’s so nice to see some snowdrops. I’ve never seen any IRL so it’s a treat. Especially here in late January in Northern Wisconsin - it will be a few months before anything blooms around here.
The simplicity works quite well as they are so simple and lovely. Great spider silk on display and I like how translucent the leaf is. Seeing the stem in there is a nice touch. Nice shadows and sparkle in the petals, too. The big bokeh balls don’t bother me, but maybe a scosh more room would help it feel more relaxed.
Rob: Let me add my welcome as well. I love these little flowers. Ours are probably a week or so away from blooming so this is stoking my enthusiasm. Superbly lit, composed, captured and presented. >=))>
Hi Rob and welcome to NPN. I have quite a few photos of my snowdrops, which are just pushing through now, but have not been able to separate a single flower against a simple background as you have done here. Composition and lighting are well done!