Snowy Egret at the Rookery

Another from Louisiana early this week. On my drive over we were getting into the hot season. I got a welcome break at mid-afternoon with lower temps, and better yet softer light. It was pretty gusty with this guy’s perch moving around. So good balance, some posturing of the wings, and a fair bit of luck on my part, I thought made for a decent comp on this full frame image.

7D2, 400 DO II with 1.4x, Sidekick and GT2531, ISO 400 1/1600 f/6.3 -2/3EV

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Love the soft light. Good job on what looks like a tricky exposure. I like the OOF textures in that great dark background.

Nice pose you captured Bill. That is one intense look. It can be tough to capture isolated shots at these rookeries so I think you did well here. Nice contrast of the bird with the green foliage. I’m glad you could make it back to the rookery there.

Wonderfull, natural, setting. The whites come out excellent in this image! Cheers, Hans

Great shot of an impossibly cool looking bird. I would not change a thing. Wall hanger!

Excellent position and really nice job at isolating the bird from a complex background. Really good job on the plumage exposure and detail.

Very good, Bill. I really like the pose and the setting. Depth of field is excellent. You might think about removing that out of focus branch that crosses the bill and touches the neck.

I like the pose with the wing position and the feather display. Setting very nice as well and lets the bird stand out.

Boy, you sure had a heyday with these Egrets, Bill!! This is another beautiful photo with superb control of the exposure, great details on the bird and rich natural colors. The composition plus the background and nicely detailed foreground leaves are all icing on the cake. Very nicely shot and processed. Congratulations! :+1: