Spotted Towhee

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Any pertinent technical details: I was lucky to have gotten this guy to hold still during its run from protective ground cover to the open to forage. They strike me as being very nervous, and cautious. D500, Nikon 2-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC,tripod/gimbal head, 1/500th, f/8.0, ISO 280, 700mm, cropped to 3902x 2816

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Hi Dave,
a very striking subject and one that I am sure is tough to catch if they are anything like the Towhees around here. Terrific exposure - the colors are great and really pop against the snow. Detail in the snow is very nice too. Love the backwards look. The head is just a tad soft for my taste - still a well captured image.

The birds really stands out well - well exposed ! Cheers, Hans

They strike me the same way, Dave. Very hard to photograph. Usually, they’ll come about four feet in front of my blind which is impossible to photograph. Nice job of exposing the relatively dark bird against the snow.

I agree with Dennis these guys are hard to capture in Winter with their black feathers against the snow. You handled the exposure quite well. Catching it out in the open makes it a wonderful image.:beers:

Quite nice in every way. TY