Spring Colors-1

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


While, like everyone, I find the Fall colors of trees to be spectacular, I also enjoy the more subtle color of trees in early spring. This year the weather in the mid-Atlantic seems to have produces a really extended transition from the first blush of color in the trees to them being leafed out. So I’ve taken the opportunity to collect many examples of Spring color. Perhaps I’ll try to collect them into a project, but here is one of them

Specific Feedback

Any and all feedback is welcome

Technical Details

Taken with a Sony A7riv in crop mode, using a Tamron 28-75 lens at 75 mm (112mm full frame equivalent) and f/7. Some basic processing in Lightroom. In the processing I went for a limited contrast range, which I thought better suited the more muted colors

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The red buds in the center of the image does improve this image measurably, especially with relatively dull light of the day. Wonder what this scene would look like in the fall.

I like this one very much.

This is a perfect rendition of the beautiful spring colors as they start to emerge on the trees. I too find the spring colors can rival those of the autumn season. The spring color does seem to be drawn out in the mid-Atlantic this year and I am enjoying it so far. As far as suggestions I could see a little crop from the left side, but that is being picky because this is lovely as is. Beautifully done!

Sounds like a great project Will. I agree that the early vegetation can be lovely. Around here the new greens have so much yellow in them they fairly glow at times. Here, the red anchors this image nicely.

Very nice, Will. What I really like about your image–and this time of year in general–is that all the interesting twists and turns of the tree trunks and branches are still visible, with the added benefit of the splashes of green and red color that you’ve captured here. I think your processing is spot on for this scene and the time of year you are presenting.

Thanks all for your comments!

@Ed_Lowe I agree on a little more crop on the left, though I still want to leave that hint of orange in the leaves on that side.

I have some more of these that I may post. One thing I’m trying to decide, if I go for a project, is whether to include flowering trees or not. They are certainly the most colorful trees of spring, and we have no shortage of them here in the DC area, but I’m not sure how they will fit with the more subtle colors of spring leaves.

Nicely done. I love the vertical lines of the tree trunks with the splashes of color throughout.