Spring Colors-2



Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I spent some time in early spring photographing the colors that appear in the trees as they leaf out. Though these are not a bold as fall colors, I often find them more interesting. I posted one of these a few weeks ago. Here’s a second image.

Specific Feedback

All feedback is welcome. In terms of composition, the trunk of the tree dominates the center, which I think gives structure. But on the other hand, it’s the least colorful part of an image that is supposed to be about color. So does that work?

Technical Details

Sony A7riv with a Tamron 70-180 lens at 180 mm, f/4 and 1/200th second.
Processed in Lightroom. Mostly exposure and contrast adjustments, with a little bit of masked adjustments to balance out the exposure.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I like where you were going with this image Will. The colors of spring are more subtle, but just as lovely as those that appear in the fall. I do not mind seeing the tree trunk because as you said it gives structure and it is surrounded by the emerging spring leaves. I could see a little crop from the right and left sides to get rid of the brighter BG area and the dark limbs exiting the frame in the ULC and the URC. I hope you do not mind, but here is a rework with what I was thinking. I also boosted the saturation in the yellows just a little. Just my opinion of course. I like the mood you created here; I find it very relaxing.

Oops, sorry Will. I posted the wrong rework. Here is the one I meant to post.

Hi Will,
This is a wonderful shot. I love these fresh spring colors.

The trunk in the center of the picture doesn’t bother me either.
And I also like what @Ed_Lowe did with your image.

In addition, and this is entirely a matter of taste, the picture could benefit from a slightly cooler temperature.

This adds a bit to the color separation between the yellows and the greens.

A very spring feel to this image, Will, and I’ve always liked the variations in spring colors. As mentioned by others the trunk is not dominant enough to be a problem and it does add structure. I see where Ed was going with his crop, but I don’t find the branches leaving the frame to be much of an issue for me. I really like what he did with the yellows and though the cooler temperature that Jens suggested does increase the color separation, it’s not how I perceive spring. Spring is all about yellow-green and the cooler temperature results in more separation than feels right to me.

Thank you all for your replies. They’ve been very helpful in editing this image.

@Ed_Lowe , I like your crop, and I’ve used it in the dit. I also increased the saturation of the yellows, as you suggested.

@Jens_Ober , I moved the color a bit cooler in two ways. First, I did slightly reduce the color temperature. But I also used a technique I learned from some of Michael Frye’s online Lightroom classes (which I highly recommend). I used point color to select the greens and then moved their tint more to the green. I think this works well for increasing color separation.

@Dennis_Plank , I’m glad the Spring feel came through. I think the colors that convey Spring growth are different than those we look for in the Fall, though some can be as vibrant. In general though, for these images I am using a lighter hand on contrast and saturation.

I’m still thinking of gathering a group of these Spring color images into a project, but its really helpful to get comments on the individual images to make them as strong as possible

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Very nice Will, it looks like a waterfall of subtle color. I like the edit.

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