
It’s been a while since i got my camera out.

Specific Feedback Requested

C/c welcome

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D810
Nikon 16-35


Wonderful. As above, so below - I love the fractal balance between the green foliage and the sky. But what takes this image to another level is the rust coloured tree standing alone and how that same rust colour reappears in the sky. The image is extremely coherent to the point of being meditative. Beautifully seen and executed.

I really like the low angle João it makes for an immersive experience and adds drama to the sky

A sensational image. Well balanced and as Kerry mentioned quite meditative.

Terrific composition Joao. The dark clouds from the URC and the middle left side are leading right to the tree. Your perspective (not sure if it was low to the ground or if this was more of a hedge that you had to shoot over) is well chosen. Everything leads to the rust colored tree. Time to get out and shoot more Joao. :slight_smile:

Thank you all @Kerry_Gordon , @Ryan_H , @David_Bostock and @David_Haynes .
This was taken from a camera position like 10 inches from the ground, mainly to hide all the houses you could see if I raises my tripod just a few inches.
As a bonus I loved the way the white and yellow flowers became so dominant in the frame.
But the Rust colored tree was the motif that made me stop. At some point , after some gruesome and embarrassing gymnastic, i simply decided to lay down on the dirt to compose the scene.
Back home I did some “cleaning” and some dodge/burn on specific parts of the image.