St Marks Sunset

The real beauty of a “swampy” area, though St Marks is more of a grasslands area loaded with swampy animals, shows itself best in the wee hours of the morning or the late afternoon hours as the sun sets.

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D850, 28-300 @ 28mm, f/8, 1/125, ISO 320

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Real nice look at this swampy area and especially the trees. Love their shapes, shown well against the sky. Clone out the white posts? No other nits

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Dang, hate missing those silly posts. Done!

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@Harley_Goldman usually doesn’t miss much.

I also like how the water and grass create a subtle X-shape in the foreground , it helps pull my eye to the center of the image.

Silly posts were wood duck nesting boxes at one time…I suspect long before the last hurricane came through.