Stenaelurillus Lesserti

Most of these tiny spiders, show up approximately at the same time of the year, for a few months. Am waiting for more rainfall, and we will have more of these tiny spiders, and most of them on the ground, and foliage.
This one is on a dry leaf.

We no have restrictions on local travel too, due to covid, so new images will take a while, ad until the situation improves.

6D2, 70 200 F4l, Ext Raynox, camera mounted flash with diffuser
Balan Vinod

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Balan, what a colorful Jumping Spider you have here. Wonderful details in the eyes of this little guy. You did well with the lighting. The dry leaf reminds me of dry dirt, so I really thought that he was on the ground. The smooth background looks like it might have been dirt as well. It sure compliments him in color, and the smooth background makes him stand out nicely, especially with the reds. Wonderful capture, and I just can’t think of anything that would improve it.

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Balan, the “make up” on this spider is amazing! The overall brownness really lets the face colors pop and those green highlights in the eyes are an excellent addition to the colors. The news here makes the COVID situation in India sound very grim…stay safe and well.

Balan: Spectacular capture of a marvelous subject. The facial details are fantastic. Praying that COVID relief comes quickly for you. >=))>

Mark …thanks for the kind words. Yes its a bit bad out here, and we are all entering a lock down situation. We pray that the situation improves soon.
Balan Vinod

Thanks Bill, for your prayers, and hoping that our situation gets better soon.

Balan Vinod

Thanks Shirley…for your words.