Summer Aspen Glow

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Or alternat title, “Ben’s Light”… :slight_smile: Yes Ben, your images and capture of light has made an impact on me as well as others I’m sure. Hope to see more from you in the near future!

This was the last scene photographed before heading home the following morning from the trip up Sonora Pass. Another image right near camp. The days last light really creating a nice glow in this small grove of summer aspen trees.

As a companion image, I’ll be posting the ICM version of this exact seen in the Abstract gallery once I post here. I always find it interesting to compare the static scene with what potential and “unseen” lies within it. (And thank you again Bonnie for the Matt Payne Podcast reference in your image. A good listen.)
“Aspens on a Whim” posted in Abstract.

Specific Feedback

I processed this attempting to accentuate the backlit/sidelit glow of the aspen grove in the waning light. So it’s a little brighter and a bit or Orton going on… but as always, trying to keep it real and believable.

Please let me know what you think, especially about the light, colors and processing. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you!

Technical Details

Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @52mm, f/11 @ 1/4, iso 200, single frame, tripod and very slightly cropped.

Gorgeous! I have no nits. The quality is so fine - I can feel both the smoothness and little wrinkles of the bark.

Exquisite. The detail, the light, and the very fine and subtle attention to composition. 'Nuff said!

Lon, Yes it is my kind of photography. I cannot find any remarks , because it’s a complete image and so well made. Your alternate title did me much good. As I was in a small photo making dip.
But I’m working on it. First next week I am going to a national park in friesland(northern part of holland). After that for 10 days to the dolomites italy. So what can go wrong ? I hope to let that dip behind.