f/16 1/400 sec ISO-400 285mm with a Canon 5D Mark IV on a tripod.
General feedback. Shooting into direct sun even at sunrise the processing can be challenging. Looking for feedback on this image?
f/16 1/400 sec ISO-400 285mm with a Canon 5D Mark IV on a tripod.
General feedback. Shooting into direct sun even at sunrise the processing can be challenging. Looking for feedback on this image?
I’ve never attempted a shot like this, Larry, so maybe am not of much help. I like the composition but find the orange colour a little unnatural seeming ( though obviously I wasn’t there at the time ). Maybe also you could bring up the detail a little in the buildings. Overall, though, quite spectacular.
Larry; I’ve only done a few silhouettes, but just finished a short article on a few tips I thought I would pass along. Strong back lighting is best for silhouettes, you need at least 3 to 5 stops of exposure difference between background and silhouetted object. Once established, meter off the background and fire away. As soon as we get some good sun here I’m going to give this a shot. I do like the soft glowing feeling of the photo. Good luck.