Sunset River Scene

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any and all.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any and all.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Used techniques learned here for adjusting white balance. I’d been working on this image on and off for some time with little to say for it.

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I like it. Nice little scene.I would just suggest cloning out the stems encroching from the bottom left. White balance looks good to me. Also the sky is a bit blown out. Did you use a ND grad? Even with those minor nits, it’s a very pleasing shot.


This has a wonderful feeling about it. Many words are coming to my mind - I’ll just mention a few:
Storybook, enchanting, painterly, nostalgic, romantic - even a sense of timelessness. Lofty descriptions, but they’re all pulling at me.

I know you said you’ve been working on this a while. And I hope you continue. I see great potential here and one might need some time to explore some things. First, I think it’s a given about the sticks in the LLC that Michael already pointed out. Alternatively, you could crop some off the bottom taking care of 2 things at once. The sticks, but also the collection of “stuff” in the LRC. Looks like just rocks and grass, but what’s catching my eye is the heavy contrast there. Perhaps as a result of the white balance techniques? You could mask/paint down the affects in that corner. But a crop too could result in a very pleasing pano with nice symmetry - especially on the left half with the reflection.

You could definitely play with the light levels in the sky which Michael also already pointed out. I think you could play with the overall contrast and soften that a bit to help with the painterly, storybook look. Again, not sure if that strikes anyone. But I’m really enjoying this. I’ll stop for now and just say keep working this one; it’s most certainly worth it.


Beautiful light, lots to look at, wide tonal and color palette, Maine never looked better. TY

Beautiful rural painterly-looking scene. I would agree about cloning the sticks/grasses lower left, but otherwise, looks good to me. It does not look blown or unrealistic to my eye.

Very nice, Chris. The lower right corner just does not seem to belong to such a quiet peaceful image . The coloring throughout is magical, you’ve done a beautiful job on the reflected river highlights. Love those stones in the river, they are great anchors. If you decide to keep the rubble pile in the right maybe try to tone down silver look to the small cobblestones along the bank they are a little distracting to me eye. A very fine rural New England image. Nice work!

Love the mood of this, Chris - it has a wonderful sense of serenity and harmony. I think the treatment of the water with its bright, clear reflections is especially good. Maybe the rocky area to the R looks a little too sharp and contrasty for my taste but this remains a very beautiful image.

@Lon_Overacker @Ian_Wolfenden @Harley_Goldman @stevenm @Michael_Lowe @Stephen_Stanton

Thank you all for the great comments. It’s clear I need to hone my cloning skills.
The string of rocks are an important part of the inventory for me. I’ll work on the crop too. I’m suddenly slightly bothered by the white branch on the left border.