Made my first outing in a year to the meadows/grasslands and found this pair of tawny coasters. Have not ventured our for some time and was taking it easy, did not shoot much. Restricted myself to the 180 Tamron
6D2, 180, F9
Balan Vinod
Type of Critique Requested
Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.
Balan, they are beautiful. I like so much about this image. The way they are looking at each other and sharing their perch. It looks like they are having a moment of enjoying each other’s company. They stand out so well against the nice complimentary BG. The angle of light provides a rim of light around them making it seem more of a 3D image. My only suggestion would be to lower the shadow of the eye of the BF on the left side a little. Very nice image. So glad that you were able to get out and shoot.
OMG Balan, you have outdone yourself. I cannot stop looking at this. You have an eye that I wish I had. The bg, pose, light and focus are so very good. It speaks of harmony and renewal and quiet spaces. I don’t know your editing process, but if you worked at highlighting the yellow and backlit areas of the wings - it looks wonderful. I might open up the eye of the bf on the left (is that what you’re getting at Shirley?) so that both eyes are more or less at the same luminosity. Outstanding work and it sounds like you had a relaxing and rejuvenating time in the meadow.
Am overwhelmed with the words in your comments. I prefer working on back lit subjects. I had done the same form the other side with front light and was not as good as this one.
The processing is simple > Canon DPP > PS > Tonal Contrast in Nik Color > Topaz Sharpening using topaz detail v3.
Backlighting is an excellent way to give it the 3D look which is the way we see with our eyes rather than the 2D flat look that can be depicted in an image. Also, colors can help, as in this case, the bright colors of the BF’s against the BG that is nice and smooth, and a lighter color in this case, but a darker BG can make them stand out even more. It is good to move around our subjects and see which lighting, BG works best, if our subjects will tolerate our movement. Yes, @Kris_Smith I was referring to brightening up the eye on the BF on the left to be about like the one on the right without the direct light of course.
Balan: What a marvelous find and a superb capture. Your plane of focus management and the BG are perfect. Great that you were able to get out and you were rewarded handsomely. >=))>