Ten images from Ola

Here is my choice of images for 2021. All of them have previously been posted at NPN.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Any comments are welcome!











Hi Ola! Some of these I remember from this year! And I love how unique they all are from each other. It really shows your range of different styles! My absolute favorite is the 2nd one. I just love the beautiful snow scene and the processing you did with black and white. My 2nd favorite is the 5th one. Such a beautiful composition of the trees with the yellow leaves running through. You really do some beautiful work!

A really enjoyable posting!

Ola, a very strong collection makes for most enjoyable viewing! Too many favorites among them to pick one or two.

Must agree with Harley, Ola, these are all gorgeous and I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite. Wonderful collection.

Ola, I especially remember #1. The entire collection is excellent with a fine mix of abstract and intriguing real views.

#10, #5, #3 in that order for me.

#3 A unique take for me and nicely processed. The graphic qualities of similarity and repetition of the strong curves make the design stand out for me.
#5 A better take on forest details than I usually see. There are solid vertical element with an implied baroque diagonal created by the green leaves. I like the analogous colored spotting on the tree trunks, they create secondary reading as to what the subject matter is by being about the same visual weight as the leaves.
#10 This is spectacular, the best reflection shot I have seen. Of course Monet came to mind, but that is not to discount the beauty of your image. It would be strong both with and without the lily pads. The abstract qualities, colors, and angle all work beautifully.

Hi Ola Jovall
These photographs are all very good, but I want to be on that beach.

As a whole, these show a firm grasp of photographic principles with the guiding hand of individual creative vision. Many of them I knew were yours before I read your name on the post. Like me, you seem to let the photo guide your processing and each is handled accordingly to bring out the best. I’m so glad you shared them and am looking forward to what you see and bring to us next year!

All of these are wonderful, each in their own way. The color of #4 is exuberant, the green light in #5 is ethereal (glowing, even), The colors of #6 are calming, and the energy of #7 is excellent.

All great, Ola - no 5 my favourite.

@Mark_Seaver, @Kris_Smith, @Ronald_Murphy, @Harley_Goldman, @linda_mellor, @Bonnie_Lampley, @Mike_Friel, @Peter_Morrissey, @Guy_Manning and @Vanessa_Hill thanks for your kind comments. I am still trying to decide upon which one is my own favorite!


Yeah, really good! Looks something I might have shot. #6 is my favorite.

Thank you @richardleekaylin