That's My Sunflower Seed


The sun popped out briefly this morning and I set up my camera to record the interactions of birds at my feeding station. Tree sparrows are cute on the outside, but very feisty and territorial when confronted with limited food. It was tough going because they are fast and the sun hid behind the clouds. I was lucky to get both in fairly good focus, but the high ISO reduced some of the details in the birds.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

D500 600mm f4 (1/2500 sec at f8.0, ISO 2000) Levels, Topaz DeNoise AI, cropped off 40% of frame, used rubber stamp tool to remove orphaned branches and OOF sticks, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast.
Is this a composite? No

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Superb action and interaction, Jim. That left-hand bird is awesome. The detail looks plenty good for the web and the size of the birds in the frame. There’s no point in pixel peeping too closely for this kind of image. Nice job on the exposure of the snow (it makes me glad I left Michigan).

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Thank you Dennis. I uploaded a slightly cleaner image as you were critiquing…Jim

Fun action and nicely exposed, Jim. In weather like that they fight for every scrap of food they can get, 'eh?

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Great interaction shot. The detail looks good and I like the flying snow they created. I’d be tempted to clone out the rocks on the right.

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Excellent behavioral shot. Detail is great and nice to have both in focus.

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Excellent interaction Lots to see in this photo and good thing you used a high ss. Things must have been happening fast. Snow looks good.

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