I thought the center of the bud too dark, it seemed to me that light would have traveled over left side petal. Also my eye went to left petal first, then roamed around. I also thought image a bit lifeless and sculptured warm could be added.
The black background is always safe. But it that is what you’re always doing, maybe it time to try something else and experiment for fun.
I used a little-known trick to make light adjustment. First, change to 8 Bit,
duplicate and make a smart layer, then Filters/render/ lighting effects/ then color pick. Save, mask and sculpt in effect.
The image is a bit of a bullseye, maybe offset a tad…
Good job combining two images and keeping true to the petal structure and colors. As far as the comment about being too centered, I don’t see how any other composition would work. The black background works well imho. Expertly crafted.
Definitely a beauty . Kudos on crafting this picture of a rose past its prime. That is very hard to do. I like the dark on the rose just because it is a faded rose. The mood suits the subject.
Gigi, I like the somber, slightly cool hues and mood of this, which I am sure was your intent. Any warming of this in post would have been “gilding the dead lily”, so to speak.