The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I remenber well that winter day very early in the morning when the first rays of the sun arrived. I remenber it for the cold but above all for the beautiful sight of the nature completely frozen and sparkling after a night of drizzle. And this rose enchanted me.
Specific Feedback
I would be happy to receive any advice capable of making this rose more beautiful.
Technical Details
D800E, Nikkor 200mm macro - f/19, ISO 320, 1/250 sec
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
You set a very high threshold when you ask us to make this more beautiful, Giussepe. This is absolutely gorgeous. The only thing I could suggest is to bring the luminosity up just a bit more so you get a bit of a glow going in the center. I played with it by using the point color tool in LightRoom, selecting the dark area of the third petal up in the front, and just bringing the luminosity slider up a bit and it seemed to have the effect I was looking for. I’m sure there are a ton of ways to achieve the same effect.
Truly exquisite! The gold color and the water droplets combine to make a jewel-like appearance. I’ve never seen a rose I love as much as this one. Very nice work. The only teeny tiny thing I would like to see done would be to shave just a little bit off the left edge. The image feels a little unbalanced to me.