The Dragon's Mouth Orchid

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 105mm micro (1/100 sec at f18, ISO 200) Levels, Topaz DeNoise AI, Shadows and Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Added canvas to RH side, cropped for comp, rubber stamp tool to remove BG blemishes. I had to lean out over the bog while lying on my stomach from the boardwalk. The BG is my white umbrella as the surrounding vegetation created a very busy background. Not the easiest orchid to photograph and a true symbol of what is left of the American wilderness.

(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Beautiful flower and an excellent image, Jim. Plants like this are really tough to photograph, and you did nicely. I remember the showier woods flowers getting rarer in Michigan as I grew up.

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Jim, love this rendition . Soft and beautiful. One of my favorites.

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Jim: Marvelous find and a superb capture and presentation. I like this profile POV. Very nicely done.>=))>

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Jim, this is a lovely look at this orchid. Your umbrella makes a fine background that really shows off the shape of the orchid.

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