The flower and the fly

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


In the meadow alongside the road were these beautiful cone flowers. I managed to get this little guy as he rested for a brief moment.

Technical Details

Nikon coolpix 8700

Such a beautiful flower, Teri. I like that you got down at the level of the flowers. For me, I wish the subject had been more cooperative and was facing you. Insects don’t always cooperate though. The flower could use a bit more room at the top, if you have it (I don’t know if you cropped it). Still a nice find and captured nicely. It is fun when we find a scene like this to photograph. Thanks for sharing.

I love these flowers, Teri. I agree with @Shirley_Freeman about the room at the top. I know that this bloom is fading and that’s why the petals are hanging down, but they still lend the flower a kind of rocket shape that wants room to move into.


I will have to dig through my digital library and find the un-cropped version of the pic. Your point of “moving upward” l hadn’t considered.

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Teri, the boldly saturated colors in the flower really stand out here. The fly is a fun extra. Since this looks like a 4:5 crop, I’d suggest shifting the crop up a bit, less room at the bottom and more room at the top. Then I’d also suggest a modest desaturation of the flower in the lower right. Both of those put more attention on your main flower and the fly.

Teri: I love party crashers and the fly is a nice one although it does look just a touch soft. It looks like this is already a pretty significant crop but if you had the pixels I would shift the top up as suggested and maybe even go really tight and make the entire flower in the RLC go away. >=))>

I made an initial sweep of my images and didn’t find a larger pic. I will take a closer look and hope I didn’t keep just the cropped image. Thank you for your insight, it is much appreciated.