The Grandmother Flower

So-called because Pulsatilla koreana is always stooping (except for her grandchild above). It is flowering now, often in the countryside near graves.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D500 + 105mm f2.8 micro, 1/1000. f4. ISO 320

Mike, I’m not familiar with this flower, but I am enjoying both the color and the way the top one is bending over to the bottom one, that seems to be “looking” up at the top one. Nice composition. I wish both flowers were in sharp focus, but might have been hard to do without stacking. Maybe more f-stop, as you were at f4, and ISO only at 320. Unless it was real windy, you probably didn’t need the shutter speed up as high as 1/1000 either, which would give you some more leverage. I do like the smooth background, and you would be loosing some of that the higher the f-stop number goes. Still a very compelling image, in my opinion.

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Very interesting composition! The shallow DOF works for me because the hairs stand out so well, and the BG is a nice softness. I could see a bit more canvas on top and left.

Beautiful picture, Mike! This is called “Old man flower” in Japan, because its seeds have white long hair like old man. I like the subdued color and tone of BG. It nicely fit the image of “The Grandmother Flower”. I am wondering if the lower flower would be in focus.

Mike: Nice find and a good capture. I’m OK with the shallow DOF. The detail on the upper bloom is terrific and the lower flower is OOF enough for me to consider it intentional and not a “mistake.” The wildflower season in Texas is fast approaching so this gives me some motivation to get out in the country. Well done. >=))>

Interesting wild flower… one I’ve never seen. Graceful flow to the stem, making the upper bloom seem to watch over its new bud. Enjoying the scene.