The North Face

This is the north side of a large redwood that I’d photographed in the sierras years ago. Seeing the various entries for this weeks WC IMO emphasizes a lot of diversity we see in nature. And, as photogs we usually find a good reason to photograph the scenes.

Wista DXIII 4x5 - Schneider APO 210mm - Warming CP - Velvia 50QL

Excellent Paul! Now here’s a puzzle I could get behind and actually spend time at a table trying to finish… I can see the strategy here… ok, you separate the lime green mossy pieces, and I’ll separate the brown bark from the reddish bark… :roll_eyes:

Great details Paul and a great entry to the WC.

And it’s only Monday…


I agree with Lon that this would make a lovely puzzle. It a fine image, Paul, with the strong vertical lines and the smattering of moss. The colors are a fine mix of warm and slightly cool also. The subtle tonal differences in the bark would help in separating the pieces.

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Paul: I came oh so close to getting into 4x5 a number of years ago when digital was in its infancy and I wanted to go beyond 35mm. I never pulled the trigger even after being awed by some of the 4x5 slides I saw. I bet this one is a real beauty. Frame filling fantastic and probably enough detail to make a 2000 piece puzzle. >=))>

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