Through Thin Ice #10

We had a brief ice event in November, so I got to spend some time chasing icestracts in my pond. This view covers about 6 inches on the long axis. Since I was looking almost straight down, this is a single shot view. (R5, 180mm macro, 1/4 s, f/10, iso 800, tripod and 2s timer).


Mark, the light seems perfect here allowing the mixture of dark and light without lost details in either. The various ice angles, screeds, & ripples really makes this one work for me… :sunglasses:

Mark, what a shot! I love the colors, and their placements in the image, as well as all of the texture, lines and shapes. Worth getting out into the cold for, even for one who doesn’t like the cold, if I knew that shot was waiting for me I think I would have ventured out. I am really enjoying this shot.

Very nice, Mark! I love the textures in the ice (even the tiny ones that are visible when the image is viewed large) and the beautiful warm colours beyond. The cool blues of the ice really work well with the warm colours of the background. Absolutely no nits from me. :slight_smile:

Just takes my breath away, Mark. As always stunning colors, textures and composition.

The structure of the ice and the colors of the leaves below are amazing.

I always look forward to your icestracts. These are special media. You have such a great eye for these abstract formations.

Awesome, Mark. Simply awesome.

You are lucky to have a pond that offers this kind of photographic opportunity! I think this works well overall in terms of the composition, light, and processing. My only suggestion might be to consider darkening the brightest spots in the upper right corner. They are among the brightest tones in the photo and they might attract a bit too much attention away from the rest of the scene. This is a very minor point since I think it overall works quite well.

Beautiful! Love how you controlled the tones and colours. The textures, especially on that middle piece are wild. Love it.

Wonderful opportunity, well presented! The angles in the ice structure are amazing.

The more I look at this, the more interesting colours and shapes I find. Five stars, Mark.

Amazing patterns within the semi-transparent top layer and superimposed on the richly toned colors underneath has my attention going around this capture several times. It’s like a nature’s play of cubism over an abstract watercolor! And your composition is wonderfully pleasing to the eye. This is a winner!

Great macro, Mark. The patterns in the ice are awesome, and then the eyes wander deeper to the leaves. Love this image. Congratulations!

Hi Mark! Congrats on the Year End Editor’s Pick. This is a beautiful photograph. I have attempted sometimes successfully and sometimes not so much to capture this kind of fresh ice. I know if you cant get the light to hit it just right it tends to lose its topography. You have expertly captured both the depths and the angles of the ice.