I just had to join Bill in the “30 feet from the door” category with this repost from the old site. This is a view through a thin layer of ice on my backyard pond that captures some interesting ice shapes and the colors of the water lily leaves in the water under the ice. This was a 20 shot stack to get top to bottom sharpness in the ice.
5D3, 100-400 IS II @ 225 mm, 1/15 s, f/11, iso 800, tripod and polarizer
Mark, I admit I’ve seen and recall several you’ve posted similar to this, and as Harley mentions a series of them over time. However, I do not recall this exact one and it moves to the top of my list of favorites of yours. This one is exceptional all around. No nit or slightest thought for change here…
I think that this is just wonderful! I love the warmth in the leaves under the ice. Most other images of ice that I’ve seen (mine included) are mostly cool and the warmth you have here is a nice change!
Richard, between the wind possibly moving the ice up and down, the short working distance (< 6 feet), the polarizer, and needing lots of dof to insure slice overlap, ISO 800 was needed. I’ve tried stacks like this at slower shutter speeds and had to throw most of them out due to ice motion.