Tree in the Gravel

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Walking the Park and looking for something interesting.

Specific Feedback

Reflection photography is pretty subjective for the most part. I just try to shoot something a bit different … For Fun…

Technical Details

Shutter400 f 11 ISO800

1 Like

Gil, that’s the first time I’ve seen an asphalt vignette! Very cool. I like the nice mix of tones in this one. Along with some of your other recent posts, you’re getting a nice collection here. Keep up the good work!

Thanks very much. Asphalt Vignettes.
That’s a great title for a song. I’m always writing original music and looking for original photography.
Thanks again. Peace to the Planet

Good work Gill! I like the organic shape of the puddle, the gritty texture of the asphalt, and the reflection. Ron had a great description of it with “asphalt vignette”.

Thanks. I just finished an instrumental piece of music and titled it
“Asphalt Vignette “. My goal is to make original photography and original music and put the two together.
Thanks for showing interest in my photography. Lots of great photographers on the NPN. I think everyone is putting out great photography and it’s a great place to see the work and discuss.
Take care. :camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash:

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Good eye to spot this Gill. Even though it’s clear and recognizable, there is clearly an abstract look to this.

I really like the “gravel” at the bottom as it makes me think of stars in the night sky.

The only small nit I have is the softness up top. Given the angle of view I suppose only a focus stack could have gotten everything sharp. Not a huge deal or image killer though - the impact is still there and also very appropriate choice on the b&w.

Thanks for posting!

Thanks for the feedback! It was a soft light misty kind of day. So it focused on the tree reflection. I’m always looking around and finding things to photograph that might make something different. Tone and Texture is real important to me.
Thanks again. :camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash: