Tree Swallow

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Went to a nearby NWR yesterday with some camera club friends. We noticed some of the next boxes seemed to be used by the tree swallows there. We saw this male on top of one of the boxes just posing for us. Shot from vehicle.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III
ISO 2500, f7.1, 1/1250s

Processed in DXO Pure Raw 3 and Photoshop.

Nice pose and overall look at the swallow. Colors look good and the whites aren’t blown out (as I likely would have done-did you use some exposure compensation?)

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He looks like a proud papa, Allen. I like the slight head turn. As noted by @Allen_Brooks you managed the exposure well.

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Hi Allen, thanks for the comment. I shot this in manual mode and used blinkies to make sure the whites weren’t blown. Given that, I didn’t look at the exposure reading itself or dial in any exposure compensation. I’m sure it would have read negative though.