The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Tree Swallows are everywhere here in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve found a local refuge where I’ve been able to photograph them vying for nest boxes, and now finding twigs to line the nest. I hope to get some hatchling feedings soon. This male as standing sentry, guarding the nest from several others that wanted to reside there.
Specific Feedback
Any comments appreciated. I had a difficult time with the crop. Let me know if you see something that might work better…I do have some room on all sides…
Now THAT is a bird built for flight. Those wings are amazing. Such great detail and the sheen and iridescence is wonderful to see. The head down pose is different and I like it for the idea of weariness it conveys along with your description of what he was doing. The crop looks good to me, but you could isolate the background and bring the greens down a touch. They’re pretty bright and compete with the bird a bit. Those colors look spot on and really natural. Terrific capture of a gorgeous creature.
I love it when I can get that kind of light on a Tree Swallow, David. The colors of the plumage are awesome. I like the pose and perch. I don’t mind the intense greens in the background. They shout spring in the Northwest.
Gorgeous pose and detail!! The colors on the bird are wonderful. The greens do feel off. (I remember you have a partial color blindness, but don’t remember what colors.) I opened Selective Color and tweaked the Green channel – pulled Cyan to -70, Magenta to +22 and Yellow to -11. Here’s the result:
For the record, the greens in this image represent new spring green. That kinda happens here in the Pacific Northwest. They are accurate and I will stick with them in this image. I respect your interpretations but, even with my color challenges, this represents the new spring green in my corner of the world.
Hi David, really nice catch and composition. Light and colors on the swallow look great with an interesting head turn in our direction. Thanks for letting us know about the greens in your area. Overall image looks great to me. Well done!