Tree Swallows

7D2, 700mm, f/6.3, 1/400, ISO 400, Cropped to 8 x10 and not quite full vertical, I removed an oof foreground branch just to left of mid frame and did some work to lower a reflection behind second bird.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I am curious about whether the oof bird adds to the photo or not.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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I like the lineup here a lot, David. The out of focus bird mirrors the in focus one to make this work well. If they perched here for any length of time, this might have been a great opportunity for an avian focus stack. They don’t come along too often and I usually forget to do it when the opportunity arises, but it can be really cool.

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My comments are pretty much in line with what Dennis had to say. The color is great. The green goes really well with the turquoise of the bird. Although it’s not a huge deal, I might like to look at this without the out of focus greenery in the left upper corner. It pulls my eye a tiny bit.

David, I love the mirrored look a lot too. It would have been nice to have them both sharp, but this works fine with me too. Great shot.

Thanks @Dennis_Plank, @David_Schoen, @Shirley_Freeman for the comments. And what a great idea Dennis. It would have been so easy for me being all set on a tripod. I have never tried a focus stack or a photo blend before so need to keep that in mind.

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A very appealing shot. The identical poses of the two swallows makes this shot for me and the rear swallow is fine in the context of the shot. I like the greens and blues, but could see removing the OOF foliage on the bottom.

I, too, love the image design. That little bit of separation between the birds makes the image for me. I do agree that some of the OOF leaves are a little bright. Maybe consider adding a vignette? I’d also look into cloning out that twig in front of the in-focus bird, ethics permitting, of course.

Thanks @Allen_Brooks and @Lyle_Gruby. I should have spent a bit of time blunting out some of the green leaves and/or removing the ones just to left of perch. No I don’t have any ethical issues about removing things as long as it is mentioned but I felt the stick added a bit of context.