Twin Heralds

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another of our cold tolerant flowers is this Helleborus. This little toughie has survived the past three severe winter freezes we’ve had and bounced back better every year. The bloom this spring has been pretty prolific and I liked how these two seemed to team up so well. All comments welcome. >=))>

Technical Details

Sony FE 70-200 f2.8 GM-II, 2xTC @ 364mm
ISO 800, 1/25 @ f16

1 Like

Gorgeous, Bill. The lighting, colors, detail & texture are just exquisite!

Very nice Bill! :clap:

Superb!! Wonderful framing, detail and colors!! Frost-proof, eh?? If they will tolerate a few 19 degree midnight-to-mid-morning frosts, I’ll plant some! I’ve lost so many plants that various local nurseries have said are major frost-proof. We are in a “holler” in the hills where cold air settles on clear calm nights. Down in town it will be ten degrees warmer.

I’m running out of things to photograph!! :upside_down_face:

This is just outstanding Bill. The DOF is great with just enough BG to provide a nice context overall.