Vermillion Flycatcher

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I find little birds like this one quite a challenge to photograph as they move around very quickly and hardly stop for a moment. The bright red color immediately caught my eye, so I waited patiently for my opportunity. As soon as it landed on this bush I tripped the shutter and captured this image. I used a bird identifier app on my phone to find out that it is a Vermillion Flycatcher. A pretty little bird indeed.

Specific Feedback

While I cropped the original image somewhat I decided not to remove any of the branches surrounding the bird. I am wondering if anyone thinks the twig just to the left of the beak is distracting, or possibly okay as it frames the bird. Any other feedback is welcome. Thanks.

Technical Details

Screenshot (10)


Patience is a virtue when it comes to these little guys. I’ve been trying for them, too, and boy does it take that and also luck and a long lens. Everything paid off for you here, The bush sets off the bird well and suggests how it feeds or at least where it feeds. The soft background is nice with the blue which might be sky. Did you deliberately leave sone noise? It has a film-like quality. I like that you can see the eye stripe. Good job.

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Nice, Ted. I ran across an area with these six years ago in Arizona and spent the next three days going out every morning for them. I don’t think I ever managed to get as close as you did (except for one that landed right above me and I blew the shot). I don’t see any significant noise in the image. I like you composition and the twigs just add interest for me. You might try brightening the eye just a trifle to see if you like the effect.

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Hi Ted,
A really great bird to find and catch with the camera. Nice pose with a fine look of the eye. I like the branches for framing and subject placement in the frame. I do see the noise @Kris_Smith mentions. Bird seems a tad soft to me also. Still a fine catch of a real beauty.

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Thanks for your feedback Kristen. I shot this at 400 ISO and in bright afternoon light, so I didn’t find the need to Denoise the image. I guess if you look closely you can see some noise, but I don’t find it unacceptable.

Thanks Dennis. I’m glad you like this composition, as I thought the bush portrays the environment in which this bird is seen.

Thanks Allen. I might try to add some texture and sharpening to the bird after seeing your feedback.