What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any? I desaturated the background which had too much distracting color in it. Used a radial filter and brush to get the color out.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 7Dll, Sigma 150-600 C, 252mm, ISO 2000, 1/250, F/7
All comments are appreciated.
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Hi Charlie:
I like the pose and “attitude” of the Vermillion Flycatcher. Nice look and nice hairdo 
I’m not sold on the partial color concept for this image Feels a bit odd. Maybe it’s the high contrast between the vivid colors and the b/w background. Not sure. Don’t know just how distracting the original background colors were.
I also like the pose and attitude of the bird. I would decenter the bird by moving it halfway to the right side.
Gorgeous job on the colors, Charlie, and I love the pose and perch. The black and white background really makes him pop.
I agree the bird really pops against the background. Love the colors in the bird and the puffed up feathers, especially the head. Would agree with the idea to crop some off the right to accentuate that the bird is looking off to the left (its right). There are some orange blobs around the bird you might want to remove to complete the B&W background effect-which I think works, given the color of the perch. There are also a few whitish areas (back and tail feathers) you might want to remove.
This is a repost. Originally, I desaturated the whole background but, decided to desaturate less. Re positioned as suggested. Got rid of the whitish areas around the tail but, lost a little detail.
tell me what you think, thanks.