I took this photo last February at our local dam, Canyon Lake, still closed at least for now. Very foggy morning but I really like the quiet feeling.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
Tried to clarify the fog to bring out more detail, but just ended up adding more noise. Any ideas about how to accomplish that? Any other thoughts?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
I like the hint of color so left it that way as apposed to b & w. Any thoughts?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Nikon D7200, f/18, 1/320sec., iso 200, Nikon 16-80mm@62mm.
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I do like this image, Linda - it has a sombre mood but with a sense of restfulness also. I personally feel you could have gone for pure b & w - that might just bring out the mid tones behind the bench a bit more without perhaps running into the noise issue ( though I’m no expert on conversions ! ). A very appealing composition !
Linda, the quiet somber mood stands out well here. Even though it’s somber in this view, it does look to be very inviting on a sunny day. The overhanging branch works very well at setting the mood (and filling in what would be an uninviting sky ) If you’re trying to “see” the distant trees better, you need more contrast in that area, which can be done burning and dodging through luminosity masks. However, more contrast in those areas will reduce the presence of the fog. I too like the hints of color and think they add to the mood.
Linda, this is an inviting scene, especially right now, I could see myself sitting there on that bench and enjoying the quiet peaceful setting. I have no suggestions for you, as this is not my strength in photograph. I did think about B&W, as Ian mentioned, but don’t know if that would improve the shot or not. I like the fog hiding the BG, and leaving that as a mystery. The limb seems to help frame the bench, and as Mark said, help fill an uninviting sky. Well seen.
Thank you @Ian_Wolfenden, @Mark_Seaver and @Shirley_Freeman for your thoughts and comments. I am in the process of re-watch Alister Benn’s luminosity webinar again and using/practicing many of his techniques on this image. . . .really great information and an awful lot to absorb in his presentation. Thanks again.