Another close up shot of a wave exploding off the rocks that I captured yesterday.
Specific Feedback Requested
Is the dark patch of water in the upper left corner distracting? Are the highlights too much? Histogram does’t show they 're blown out but when zooming in there were a lot of little spots that were blown out, I removed a lot of them. Any other feedback welcomed
Technical Details
ISO 400, 400mm @ f/8 1/3200 sec
Hi Glenn!
I love this capture! It’s a complete chaos exploding, but at the same time it provides a space to wander around the frame and see all the small details.
As for the top left dark patch - I didn’t notice it until I read your feedback request.
I have, however, noticed similar one in the top right corner. I don’t find that much of a distraction, though. What I really like about this whole photo is that you can start to see a 3-dimensionality of it the longer you look. I only wish it would be slightly more prominent in the middle and bottom part. Right now the sides and the upper part are the brightest. I wish it would translate somehow to the small droplets in the middle of the frame as well, so they stand out slightly more.
Other than that - I love it - I’m looking at it constantly for some time now and still see something new. 
Whoah, that’s an awesome action shot Glenn! I love all of the droplets suspended in time. Yes I would clone out or crop out that dark section on the upper left corner. It might take some time but perhaps burning the brighter droplets on the left side and dodging the center ones would help keep my eye in the center. Really cool shot either way!
@Andrzej_Muzaj and @Alfredo_Mora thank you so much for your detailed comments! I really appreciate it. I’ll work on this photo a bit more and try your suggestions.
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Other than agreeing on the ULC, this is just fantastic. And the great thing with these natural abstracts is that there are many iterations of crops that could work.
So much fun you must be having - and rewarding with results like this. Wow.