The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
I spent some time watching this Snowy Egret fishing and moving around a small creek off of the Chesapeake Bay near my home. I was trying to capture the lightness of movement and grace of this bird in the early morning just before sunrise.
Creative direction
I love to photograph herons and egrets in movement -evoking a sense of dancers in the marshlands. I try as much as possible to shoot in very early morning light.
Specific Feedback
Any feedback helpful, particularly emotional impact, aesthetics, composition and light.
Technical Details
Olympus OM1, 500 mm. 1/2000sec, f 4, ISO 10000. Topaz Denoise AI.
A lone egret moving along the creek bank to a better fishing location.
I think you’ve done a nice job of capturing the feel you were looking for, Bill. The slight softness of the egret goes with the predawn conditions. I love the pose with both feet just touching the water which certainly adds to the feeling of lightness. Oddly, for this mood and feel, the trailing wake is a bit incongruous, but I don’t think it’s enough of an issue to try to remove it. You might look at removing that odd yellowish shape directly under the egret. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s a bit of an eye magnet.
Hey, Bill. I think it’s cool the bird appears to be walking on water - the first thing I noticed. I was also sure you shot it early morning or late evening. So, you succeeded in those aspects from my perspective… I see the spot @Dennis_Plank mentioned, and I would also tone down the broken end of that branch just in front of the bird; it keeps catching my eye. All-in-all, a fine capture.
Dennis, Thank you for very helpful comments. I agree, the broken branch below the bird should be toned down- and probably removed. Terry also mentioned this. Thanks again, very helpful. Bill
Hi Bill, love the pose you caught of this elegant bird. Showing the golden feet right above the water is great. I like the splashes and wake behind the bird - adds another element of interest to me. As mentioned above, bird is slightly soft but this is still a fine catch.