West Coast canyon

A canyon in the north shore mountains near Vancouver, BC

Specific Feedback Requested

Do those ferns in the bottom left bother you? How do you feel about that branch reaching across the frame? Is the crop ok? Too moody? Any other thoughts or opinions are very welcome, you wont hurt my feelings😎

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


Hi Blake, this is a terrifically moody image. I really like the dark and the mistiness in the distance. The ferns don’t bother me, but I do think the image needs a bit of CCW rotation. I took it into Photoshop and drew a level line in the tree to the center left of the river/stream and came up with this:

I’m not sure if that’s correct or not, as I wasn’t there, but it feels a bit less disorientating. It also happens to have eliminated the ferns. Hope you don’t mind.

The branch across the frame is fine as there are two others farther in the frame. I really like the image, Blake.


Ah yah, much better! Very much Appreciated David!

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Beautifully lowering and moody, out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales! I love the dark greens and the contrast with the rushing water. @David_Bostock 's rotation improves it, also drawing attention to the ferns in the bottom right, which are more fitting than the ones cropped out.

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You’ve captured the feeling of the forest perfectly. I find the Doug Fir forests with the thick growth to not only be dark and moody, but creepy (at least to me.) I think the bright swath of the sky and river are very dramatic as framed by the dark forest. I do think David’s rotation make it a better photo.

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Thanks Mike and Chris, I really appreciate the feedback :sunglasses:

  1. No.
  2. I love the branch going across.
  3. Yes.
  4. Nope.

I would raise the darks to get more information in the really dark areas and I would increase the saturation. I have done so here with some of the mid darks becoming too gray. A more selective mask would do a better job but you get the idea of seeing more in the dark area while still keeping it dark and contrasty.


I like the moodiness very much. I agree with David’s distortion correction and Igor’s on raising the dark areas and increasing the saturation. I think your composition works well too.

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Moody and mysterious; I am liking this very much, Blake. For me the mist/fog in the BG helps reinforce that air of mystery in the scene. I do like the direction @David_Bostock took this with the rework.

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I really love this image and I could totally get lost in it! The mood is fantastic, the ferns are fine, and that branch actually adds a lot to the image. Looks great to me.

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Thanks Tom, Ed and Eva, I appreciate the comments immensely! Thanks Igor for taking the time to rework it, that looks great!

Really lovely feel and comp is fine. I would also suggest that you try to add heat to that mist and open up a bit, as if you were bringing in light from the front quite subtly.