What technical feedback would you like if any?All is welcome
What artistic feedback would you like if any?Every comment is more then welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
F11, 1/6, -1.67, iso64, 70-200 lens at 110mm
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You’ve capture a great atmosphere here. I think it’s great as is. Something to try might be a crop to 4:5 to remove some of the darker area on the left hand side, it may contain the viewers eye in the highlight area.
Great mood, Ben. Autum is late this year, but it is relatively colourful considering the extremely dry summer we had.
Although I like the image as you posted it, I can agree about cropping some of the dark part on the left edge.
Just a beautiful image, conveying great mood and presence. I don’t agree however with the cropping comments others have made. While this is partly a personal statement (I really like a 3:2 format for landscape presentations), I do like the central presentation of the light. Rather than crop further, I wonder if it would be possible to lift the shadows slightly on the L. side of the image to better match the right and create more luminance harmony in the image. Again, this may detract from your original intent so do as you wish.
I agree with @Jim_McGovern on this, I think the composition is better balanced as Ben originally presented it, so I would not crop it. I also agree with Jim about trying to better balance the luminosity in the image by dodging mid-tones and highlights on the left side. If done in a subtle way, this dodging should not detract from the glow on the leaves.
Yet another dreamy and magical scene. I agree with Ed and Jim that I like the composition as is, but would raise the luminosity a tad on the left.
Ok Ben, I think it’s time that you start letting us in on your secrets! How do you find these conditions? Do you seek out and plan for certain locations knowing what the light will do? You just have a wonderful knack, eye and vision for these scenes. Kudos
@Ed_McGuirk, @Preston_Birdwell, @ChrisNoronhaPhoto@Jim_McGovern, @Ronald_Murphy, @Lon_Overacker, @Dan_Hawk, @Han_Schutten, @Bill_Fach, @Nathan_Klein
To crop or not to crop that seems the question here. I often try different crops or rotate the canvas horizontally. Sometimes with succes, not always.A question of composition and personal taste.
About the shadow part on the left. Using TK free vignet on this little part I could make it a bit lighter.
In my image " dream light" @Ed_McGuirk inspired me in using TK Orton effect more. That gave the image that dreamy feel.
To answer @Lon_Overacker questions. I know this park(forest) and I know when to go there on which time of the day, For the mood I am looking for.
This image was taken by very humid air, good light and a diffuse sun.
Thank you all for all these great comments. By all these comments, critiques and remarks I feel myself more a photographer every day.