Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 200-400mm f4 + 1.4x TC set at 390mm (1/125 sec at f16, Iso 500) Slight crop for comp, Levels, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Topaz Adjust to adjust details, Hue & Saturation -cyan and blues in BG. The background is our pond that has some areas of duck weed covering it. Every year year, I tell myself no more widow skimmer shots, but I could not resist the background. On my computer screen, I saw very dust bunnies, but on the phone copy–lots of them. So I cleaned them up and now I have to get that sensor cleaned. Thank you…Jim
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Jim: I know what you mean about coming back to familiar subjects; I do the same thing in our garden with some of our perennial flowers but I always revisit them. In your case I’m really glad you didn’t resist. This is a superb capture and presentation. The BG is indeed marvelous. My only nit is that your sensor needs a good cleaning. There’s a small crop of dust bunnies in the upper left quarter of the frame. Knocks this down from A++++ to a mere A+++. Most excellent. >=))>
I love this photo Jim, The vertical blade that the dragonfly is sitting on and how well the background was set for this one. The drops on the leaf adds to the environment. I also love these small insects and I know the feeling how many of the same subject is to much until a perfect window opens for a rare photograph.
I could not spot those yesterday due to some eye issues from cataract surgery. I’ll fix them tonight and repost now that I know where they are. Thank you…Jim
Hi Jim,
I like the composition with the grass blade and the sweet background. This is an interesting capture to me as I don’t see very many males in transition to mature forms like this. Well done.
Jim, this is a wonderful shot of the Skimmer. The perch he is on, with the water drops, really adds to this image. The smooth complimentary background helps make the subject pop. Such details in him and his perch. Well done. You can keep shooting them, I will keep enjoying them.
Jim, it’s hard to avoid revisiting the major players, locally. There’s always room for another outstanding view, which this is. The details in the DF and its perch are terrific and that’s a lovely soft blue/green background.