Widow Skimmer taking a breather+repost

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was exploring a nature preserve in Wichita on a gusty, bright and hot July morning looking for interesting flora & fauna. Spotted several dragonflies flitting around a large patch of blazing stars, then noticed that one female kept returning to a specific perch for a second or two between forays. So I positioned myself as best I could parallel to the perch and managed to get a handful of images before she left the area.

Specific Feedback

I like the DOF and general color & clarity of the subject, and the way I caught her wings blowing over towards me. I wonder about the crop and resulting composition, as this about the center 20% of the full frame. I wish I could do more with the bright, busy background, as it competes IMO too much with the subject. But the transparency of her gorgeous wings have kept me from doing much with that. Looking for any suggestions!

Technical Details

Z6ii, 100-400mm S @ 400mm, f/18, 1/1600s, ISO 3200, handheld.
PP in LrC: Crop, tone adjustments (esp background using color mask), vignette, NR.

Repost July 29

Updated to incorporate feedback: Wider crop, going from square to 4x5; removed distracting blades from left; reduced yellow in BG.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Really nice catch of this skimmer. You managed to get into a good POF, which is tough. You said you had lots of room, so more room around the fly, and a 5x7 crop rather than the square with room in front , might work better. I’d also consider losing those 2 intruding, lower blades of grass on the left. They serve no purpose.

I tried playing with this a bit, and by selecting the subject, then inversing, I was able to darker the yellow channel of the BG a bit. Any more would have made the yellow-greens through the wings un-natural. This might work for you.

Thanks much for the feedback Sandy. I agree with the changes you demonstrated and will work tomorrow to repost with those in another crop.

Widow skimmers are abundant and are very worthy photo subjects. DOF is perfect, although at a cost for BG fuzziness. Sandy’s edits look good. Getting more room on the rh side will also help. A fine image destined for the printer…Jim

Thanks for chiming in Jim! I’ve now updated the image accordingly, hopefully faithful to critiques from you and @SandyR-B

Bob, Really nice work on the edit!
Excellent image…

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Bob: Your edit elevates an already fine image to a higher level. Persistence and patience pays with dragons and yours paid off. Most excellent. >=))>

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Thanks Bill, I appreciate your feedback. Of course some credit goes to @SandyR-B and @Jim_Zablotny for the excellent suggestions.

Nice Depth to get the whole DF in good focus Bob. I really like what you’ve done with the repost.

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