On a bike ride a couple days ago there were wild rose bushes and bees on the side of the road. I liked how this little wasp came out. He looks so excited that the roses are in bloom and can’t wait to dig in!
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Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 1600
Crop and adjusted exposure, whites, contrast
Vanessa, the two insects (in flight and in the flower) are probably hoverflies. They’re a major pollinator. Your comp. looks good with the flower, the leaf and the flying fly, although you could crop more to eliminate the two bits of flower coming in at the top. This presentation looks overexposed.
Vanessa, you did a fine “stop action” shot with this hoverfly or whatever it is, coming in for pollen. I agree with @Mark_Seaver that the image seems to be overexposed. I am thinking also that because you have all four corners with something bright, you might could add a vignette to it as well. I like the composition.
Hi @Mark_Seaver and @Shirley_Freeman , so I lowered the exposure more and cropped a bit more, had to clone the bright white on the top right and added a vignette, it was middle of a sunny day, and the bush was high so I was basically shooting into the sun, but when I was working with my settings it looked like the best without making the insects get too dark… does this look better? …
Vanessa, that is a nice improvement. I can see the bee in flight much better, and you did a fine job with the crop and vignette. The white of the flower petals are still pretty hot, but I think you have mentioned before that you didn’t have the capability on your tablet to selectively tone things down. Anyway, I like this much better.