Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I saw this night heron eating what I call a sea sculpin at Ding Darling NWR on Sanibel Island last week.

Specific Feedback

The eye membrane is partially covering the eye in the first image. I lightened it a bit. Any thoughts on that look?

Technical Details

Canon R7, 200-800mm @ 800, handheld
ISO 1600, f9, 1/5000s

Processed in DXO PureRaw 4 and Photoshop.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Wonderful catch (for both of you)! And the decisive moment, for sure. Wonderful detail in the soft light. No suggestions.

I like the first one with the open mouth-great action shot.

I think that I prefer the second one Allen, the eye is clearer and the crest/feathers on the head looks a lot nicer.
Of course with number 1, catching a catcher catch the catch, is always going to be enjoyed and appreciated.
They are both really good.

I like Ryan’s description of the first one. Both are very good, Allen. I think your work on the eye in the first is fine. It looks quite natural to me. I’ve known people to replace the eye in that situation, but I don’t think it’s needed-it’s one of the things that makes birds so cool.

Wow, both are very nice, Allen. I have avoided using some of my shots that have the membrane covering the eye or part of it, but it really is a part of nature, their way of protecting their eye I guess, so I will try to remember to do what you did, and lighten the membrane part a bit if needed. The action is really good in that shot, so I think I prefer it best. Both are excellent shots. I have found the Night Heron to be very shy so to get him out in the open feeding is really good.

Really exceptional! The soft light is exquisite and the action amazing. The first one with the almost-caught fish is especially sweet, and the nictitating membrane is natural and not a problem at all. It’s a safety adaptation and
precaution that makes birds unusual.
Very appealing images.

Excellent moment to capture particularly in the first image, Allen. The membrane does not bother me in the first image.