Yellow-rumped Warbler with Prey

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Photographed at Santa Clara Ranch, Texas. This Yellow-rumped Warbler was feeding on an insect, at first I thought it was just capturing the bug but when I reviewed all the images it had already captured the bug and was flipping it here the way a heron would flip a fish before eating it. Canon 1DX II, 500F4 1/2000 F5.6, iso 1250, Gitzo tripod, Wimberley head.

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Very interesting, Nate. I never would have thought of it, but taking wings backward would probably be a good recipe for getting it stuck in the throat. Excellent image and great natural history. I don’t know if any of the ornithology gurus have noted that behavior.

Yeah, Nate, that’s a new on me as well, and interesting. But much like negotiating fins on a fish, I suppose there is sound logic to the evolution of feeding behaviour.

I really like this image, Nate. It provides a unique look at the behavior of a much photographed bird.

Really nice. Bird is very sharp, and I like the small-ish in the frame comp. The insect flipping takes it up a couple notches. Only thing I’d critique is that it looks like there is a strong orange-ish color cast.

Talking about timing :grinning: … excellent shot, Nate. POV, action, techs and colors: all spot on ! Cheers, Hans

Perfect timing, and in my opinion, a perfect shot, Nate!

Exceptional point of view, depth of field, pose, background, and food in the mouth. Superb image all around and no nits here.