What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
I’m always intrigued by the feathers on hummingbirds. I often capture this look with the feathers on the back sticking up when they are hovering and feeding. Always a treat to see just what was captured in the tiny fraction of a second.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
My typical outdoor studio setup for hummers. 4 flashes, 3 on the hummer, one on the background.
Olympus EM1-X
40-150 f/2.8 with 2x converter
1/250, f/14, ISO 320
Nearly Full frame
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Great photo of this little hummer Keith. Wonderful composition and OOF background. The detail in its feathers and eye are spot on. I have not seen a hummingbird feather sticking up like that before. Perhaps just not looking closely enough, but I’m wondering if this is a normal type of behavior for them? Or was it very windy? Just curious.
No wind. I see this commonly so I think it is normal, I just don’t know the details on why.
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Interesting, Keith. I don’t recall ever seeing this in the hummingbird photos I’ve taken or seen. Maybe most people don’t like it and don’t post/publish images with it, but I like unusual plumage looks. Do you see it in all the species you get down there?
The feather position is normal and I have observed this in ruby throated hummers too. They function like flaps and or brakes in very subtle fashion and helps push the bird to vertical. A great pose and a good lesson in hummingbird aerodynamics. Well done…Jim
Yes, I see it in all 4 species that we get in New Mexico.
Cool Jim. Thanks for the explanation. It does make sense. Such cool, amazing little creatures!
Another excellent hummingbird photo, Keith! I kind of like the disturbed feathers. It makes it more real for me. I wouldn’t change a thing. Well done!