What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Even though you can’t see all of the hummingbirds head, this image still works for me because of the very cool pose and the tail flair. Does it work for you?
I don’t often setup for a vertical composition when photographing hummingbirds, but this flower seemed to lend itself to a vertical, rather than a horizontal comp. This is nearly fully frame from a vertical frame.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Canon 5D Mark IV
Canon 100-400 II @ 371mm
1/200 @ f/16, ISO 250
3 Canon 430 EXII flashes all at 1/16 power
If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
Great tail flare and wing position in this one, Keith-it conveys a great sense of energy. The curve of your flowers is awesome and I like this background.
Keith, I can’t say with as many hummingbird images I’ve seen over the years that I can recall this perspective or POV. For that unique overhead look along with the great tail flare I really like this one. Nice work on this wonderful avian scene…

Hi Keith,
It is amazing on how these birds stretch out those wings while in flight. Lighting is perfect and the BG works well with yourr comp. Well done.
ps.: Do you print your own BG’s or do you send them out for printing?
Hi @Jim_Zablotny. I print my own backgrounds for my hummingbird shoots.
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Keith, I never get tired of seeing Hummingbird photos. I agree with everyone else’s comments. This is a really great shot. I hope that you print this off and hang it somewhere where you can enjoy it. It is way too good to sit on a hard drive some place. 

Well, here’s an example of where the composition is way more decisive than the species*. Therefore, I don’t care about the head. The pose of the hummer is sensational, as is the whole composition. Excellent work ! Cheers, Hans
- in my view of course