What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
I liked the hummingbird bush flower for this image. This nice female rufous came in for a few quick checks of the flower.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Olympus EM-1X, 300mm f/4
1/60, f/14, ISO 200
4 Canon 430EX II flashes, all at 1/16
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1 Like
A real beauty, Keith. Nice details and light, and the background is really complimentary. To me the lighting looks very natural. You have got those flashes set up right. 

Another incredible Hummingbird shot ! Love the composition with the diagonal flower and bird. The whites on the flower are a tit bright on my screen. No nits otherwise, only respect ! Cheers, Hans
Excellent detail and pose. I like the composition you chose with diagonal flower head bisecting the frame
A beautiful pose on the hummer with superb lighting and detail, Keith. I’m not familiar with this flower-is it local?
@Dennis_Plank. Yes the flower is a local flower. We have some that are white and some that are purple.
Sweet shot Keith-everything is excellent.
The diagonal bird and plant make this comp work quite well. If possible, I might cit the highlights on the plant a tad. But that is a rather minor issue. Needs to be seen large.